Due to popular demand, I have decided to start a blog. So welcome to our blog. Hope you enjoy a look into our our life. I guess I'll start with introductions. My name is LynMarie Southworth. I grew up in Covina Ca. I graduated from Charter Oak highschool and the University of Laverne. I ran both track and cross country at Charter Oak and Laverne. I also recieved my teaching credential from the University of Chapman. I have taught various grades such as 4th, kinder, and 1st. I am currently a Special Education teacher working on my Education Specialist credential through Cal Poly. I currently have tweleve students in my class, ranging from grades 1st-5th. It's a demanding and challenging job, but I love working with these special children. I can honestly say I LOVE my job. Some other interesting facts: I served a 1 1/2 year mission in La Paz Bolivia and have traveled to places such as Costa Rica, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, and through the Panama Canal.
My wonderful husband is Todd. He is a computer programmer and has the privilage of working at home. We have been married for seven wonderful years. Todd loves elephants and playing strategy games. Todd was born in Canoga Park and raised mostly in Simi Valley Ca. Todd also served a 2-year mission in Brazil. Todd is currently the Young Men's president in our ward at chuch.
Other exciting news-Todd and I are currently in the process of adoption. We have been waiting since June for a special child to join our family. We are very excited to become parents.
I am so glad you started a blog. I will be watching for any adoption news. It doesn't take that much time either. You would be surprise, usually when I post something it takes me 10 minutes, tops. Now we just need to convince more people in our family to do a blog. I would love to see Lisa do one! I always wonder how Lincoln is, I can't believe he is almost one years old. Hope you had fun in Nebraska!
I was actually thinking of starting one for the family. Instead of a family newsletter, people could go on and add stuff or they could give the info. to me to add. That way those who don't live in Ca. can be easily updated on what's going on here, and we can be updated on what's going on with them. What do you think?
That is a really good idea. I mainly started one because I live so far and I really want all of my family to be able to watch Luke grow. I want Kevin and Kristi to start one because I feel like I miss out on fun things going on in there life. They are super busy with Kristi going to nursing school and working two jobs. Kevin has the kids while she is doing all of that fun stuff. Anyways she emails me and I usually put it on my blog. I would love to see one for your whole family.
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