Now on to what everyone really wants -- a Spencer update. Spencer is seven months old, and we're going to have to switch car seats really soon, because he weighs 21 pounds. He eats oatmeal, barley and rice cereals, carrots, peas, squash, and seems to especially like green beans and sweet potatoes. Here he is eating a Farley's Rusk. They basically melt when they get wet, so he can eat them even though he doesn't have any teeth yet.
He sits up on his own, stands if he's holding on to something, and rolls wherever he wants to go. He can also turn around on his stomach so he's pointed the way he wants to be. The past few days he's been pushing up onto his knees, so crawling probably isn't too far away. He can move around a bit in his walker on the kitchen floor.
This bassinet is what he used to sleep in, but now it's much too small.
This cradle is what he's been sleeping in for the past couple of months -- still too small.
Sometimes he takes a nap in mommy and daddy's bed, but it's too big.
But now that it's done, he sleeps in his own room in his own crib, and it's just right.