Thursday, September 17, 2009


For some time now, Spencer has called letters "B". I was amazed today when he was making some scribble marks on a pice of paper and said, "B". I think that might mean he understands the concept that he can write letters.

Todd and I were also talking the other day at how cool it is that he understands some multiple meaning words. For example, he knows that on and off can refer to turning a light or music on and off and it can also refer to putting something on and taking something off.

He never ceases to amaze me. It's so fun to hang out with him every day and watch him grow and progress.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Just a quick funny story. Today Spencer and I were visiting my dad. I asked him if I could have some of his ice cream and he said I could. As I was dishing up the ice cream, I knew that I wasn't going to enjoy a nice dish to myself and that, as usual, I would have to share it with Spencer. A little bummed about this, I said to my dad,"The worst part about having a kid is that you have to share your ice cream with them.". I didn't realize the irony of my words until my dad responded with, "You're right.". I guess sharing your ice cream with your kids is just part of the job.