Friday, March 12, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I've been keeping a journal for Spencer and the following is the entry I wrote for tonight. I thought it would be easy to just cut and paste instead of re-writing the whole thing again.

Dear Spencer,

Yes. I am going to write more about some of the cute things you say. Yesterday I was folding laundry telling you about people we know who are going to have babies. As I sometimes do I started to talk to you about having a baby come live with us. You said you wanted one and so I said we need to wait until Heavenly Father sends us one. You then said you wanted to ask Jesus for one. A little while later you said you wanted to talk to Jesus on the phone.

Today before your nap you wanted me to read you the children’s book we have about Joseph in Egypt. When we got to the picture of Joseph sitting in jail you asked why he was on time out. I explained to you in the best way I knew how by saying, “Potifer’s wife accused Joseph of trying to kiss her.” After we were done with the book you took it and started to “read it” yourself. I sat back and listened to you and this is what I heard:

“Why did Joseph get a time out? He tried to kiss him (I don’t think you quite know the difference between him and her).”

Turns the page, “Why did Joseph get a time out? He tried to kiss him.”

Turns the page, “Why did Joseph get a time out? He tried to kiss Joseph.”

Turns the page, “Why did Joseph get a time out? He tried to kiss Pharoh.”

I guess we still need to work on this story.

1 comment:

Alysha said...

We read some about the Joseph story today in Sunday school and all I could think about was this post. :D

We miss you Spencer!!