Thursday, July 1, 2010

Abominable Snowmen

     Well, I've had the best of intentions to go back and organize all the pictures sitting in the upload folder on our computer and post about everything, but if I wait to try and catch up before posting current stuff nothing will ever get posted. So the new plan is to try and post at least one new thing here every week.

     Anyway, we're now blocked out from using our Disneyland passes for the summer, so we wanted to make one more trip while we could. We saw Chip up front and Spencer had to say hello.

Here are Spencer and LynMarie with the Matterhorn waterfall in the background.

Spencer has been growing as you can see...

... so this was his first chance to ride the Matterhorn! He likes going through tunnels in the car, and didn't seem to mind the first part of the ride in the dark. About halfway through he said, on his own, "I like it!" He also got to go on Gadget's Go Coaster in Toontown, though he didn't seem to like that one as much.

     After we got home he told me, "I saw the abominable snowman, but he can't get you." Ah, how quickly they grow up...

1 comment:


Yay for Disneyland and yay for youngsters on rollercoasters!! I loved taking Ethan on Matterhorn last year - though I forgot to take the picture by the height requirement thing. Fun trip... I miss the magic of Disney. :)