Every once in a while I'll get a cleaning bug and stay up really late and clean. After seeing my mom clean her stove with a Magic Eraser last week, I decided to try it on my stove. Then I tried it on the shower, floor, sink, and bath tub. I was hooked. Any way, I ended up going to bed at 2am. As I was laying there, I heard Spencer cough. I listened to make sure he was ok. His second cough didn't sound normal so I went to his room to check on him. As I picked him up, I could see that he was throwing up. This was his first official sickness and his first time that he threw up. He has had colds but those don't really count as sicknesses in my book unless they are really bad. Any way, we gave him a bath and changed his jammies. I think between 2 and 4 am he went through like 4 pairs of jammies and a few baths. By 11 am he had stopped vomitting and started to use the other end. Yep. Diarreaha (not sure of spelling). So, over the past few days it's been mostly diarreaha and a few vomits. Nontheless, he is probably the happiest sick person I have ever seen. We're lucky he hasn't run a temperature.
Coincidentaly (probably not spelled right either), we had his nine month check up on Mon. We told the doctor he was sick and she decided to reschedule his shots. ( I wonder if Spencer is smarter than we think and planned on getting sick to avoid shots=)?) As the doctor used one of those popsicle (I'm pretty sure I spelled that one right.) stick looking things to look inside his mouth, Spencer started to chew it. The Dr. said he is the first baby she's had who has tried to eat the stick. I thought that was cute.
Well, around Mon., or Tues., Todd started getting sick. (I guess that's what happens when you work crazy hours trying to rack up enough hours to take a few days off at Thanks Giving to spend with family, along with teaching seminary.) Yes. I'm a task master. I'm the one who suggested he should probably work extra hours if he wants to take the time off (He's self employed for those who don't know so he doesn't get paid time off. He also doesn't have a union to protect him from being over worked by me. Just kidding. I don't think I'm that bad.)
Any way, so far I haven't gotten sick. I may not have buns of steel, but I sure have an immune system of steel as I rarely get sick (knock on wood).
Well, Todd and Spencer seem to be on the mend and hopefully we'll be able to enjoy a gluttonous (I looked up the spelling of that word in the dictionary. =))Thanks Giving.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
And that's final!
     As mentioned earlier, Monday was our court date to finalize Spencer's adoption. After waiting in the courtroom for over an hour, we found out that the judge who was supposed to preside wasn't coming, so they pulled a substitute from another courtroom. During the proceedings, Spencer hammed it up a bit for the cameras, as usual. It was a wonderful day and now he's legally ours, although we've felt since the first day we met him that he was supposed to be our little boy. Now we can't wait until he will be sealed to us next month!
     Thanks to everyone who came to share our special day, and to those who couldn't be here with us but called or emailed to wish us well.
Here we are sitting at the table while the judge asks us a few questions.

After filling out hundreds of pages of forms over the last two years, we provide the final signatures.

The actual moment it all becomes official, captured for posterity.
Us with Judge Ochoa:


All the Southworths:

Us with the social workers for our case, Laura & Terri:

Spencer afterwards -- I think he approves:
     Thanks to everyone who came to share our special day, and to those who couldn't be here with us but called or emailed to wish us well.
Here we are sitting at the table while the judge asks us a few questions.
After filling out hundreds of pages of forms over the last two years, we provide the final signatures.
The actual moment it all becomes official, captured for posterity.
Us with Judge Ochoa:
All the Southworths:
Us with the social workers for our case, Laura & Terri:
Spencer afterwards -- I think he approves:
But he just started crawling!
After crawling for a week or so, Spencer is apparently no longer content to be down on all fours. There's just so much more stuff to play with if you can get up on your own. By the way, I got sick of trying to upload the video to the blog, so I uploaded it to YouTube instead and just embedded it here. Ah, so much less hassle.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Taking care of the choppers
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Time to put up the baby gates...
I guess we'll be getting more exercise chasing after Spencer from now on. Here's a video from this morning.
Out of the Mouths of Babes
My sister in law told me that her daughter Josie who is in first grade asked her what proposition 8 was about. Lacy told me that after she explained it to her she could see Josie thinking. Finally, she asked "Mom. Which is more expensive two wedding dressess or two tuxedos?"
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