Tuesday, November 11, 2008

But he just started crawling!

     After crawling for a week or so, Spencer is apparently no longer content to be down on all fours. There's just so much more stuff to play with if you can get up on your own. By the way, I got sick of trying to upload the video to the blog, so I uploaded it to YouTube instead and just embedded it here. Ah, so much less hassle.

1 comment:


Yeah, Ethan was pretty proud of himself once he could get to a standing position. Everyone tried to warn us how much worse it was supposed to be once he started walking. Whatever. He'd just crawl to wherever he wanted to be and then stand-up, so we were pretty used to him at that height!
Good luck with all the new challenges now that he's mobile!! He's so cute when he's wobbly. ;)