Sunday, December 28, 2008

Puppy Love

For those of you who know Todd, you know:
1. He loves board games.

2. He's not a big fan of animals.

Over Thanksgiving, Todd's sister babysat 11 puppies. In the evenings, Lynnie and Cassie would hold the dogs and play with them to tire them out before they went to sleep. One evening Todd wanted to play a game. Lynnie and Cassie said that it would speed things up if he helped them play with the puppies and get them ready for bed. So, being anxious to play a game, Todd agreed to help hold and play with the puppies. When I saw this, I couldn't resist taking pictures and making a slide show to this song. Hope the game was worth it Todd. Enjoy!


The Justice Family said...

Todd, how you could you resist those cute puppies? You must of enjoyed them just little. They are so cute!

Christine said...

How funny! and cute :)

The Justice Family said...

Hey LynMarie! I did make most of the food and we ordered the koloby ribs. It is pretty easy to make everything. When I am down sometime I will have to make some or if you guys ever come up here. Kristin is starting the foster care process tomorrow. I am excited and nervous for her.

TJ said...

hey lynmarie. which sisters husband joined the army? and while it is possible to travel cheaper it isn't easy and you can be waiting for a really really long time. is he in basic right now? at fort benning?

i did go over to the ursuas last friday. she had us over for dinner. i might go and visit. they already have me doing something in this ward, and it's a sunday calling. oh well.

if your sister and her husband have questions about things, PLEASE have them ask someone that ISN'T a recruiter. ask someone like me, or have her look online because there are a lot of blogs and websites that can answer her questions. we've been in for over five years, so i know a little bit. tell them congrats from me.:)