I also got to play Die Macher, one of my favorite games. Although I really enjoy it, the four-hour play time means it doesn't hit the table very often. However, Cassie made a deal with me – she'd play the game if I went to see Twilight with her. The movie did have some entertainment value, though probably not in the places that were intended. Unless you're a big fan of the books and feel like you have to see the movie, I'd say… don't.
      But hey, I got a great game out of the deal. Die Macher is a game where each player represents a German political party, trying to win seats in a series of seven German state elections. You get points for each seat you win, for party membership, for media control, and for how well you match national opinion on the issues. I won the last state by one vote, giving me some last-second points, and after we totaled everything up, Cassie and I both had 366 points. There's no tiebreaker in the rules, but we'd agreed to play with a series of tiebreakers, the first of which is seats won, where I had a seven-seat edge. Four hours and it came down to the very end!
     Ok, on to what everyone really wants to see. Here's a picture of Spencer on his nine-month "birthday". He is pulling himself up on everything now, and starting to be a little more confident when he is cruising. He seems to have another gear when crawling, too. For example, he can be pretty fast when trying to make it through the office door before Daddy can get there and close it. One of his latest accomplishments is that he crawled all the way from the family room to our bedroom, which includes a full flight of stairs.
     He now helps out with the laundry, usually by spreading the clothes hangers all over the family room.
     He's still a really happy little boy most of the time, although having four teeth come in at once hasn't been very much fun. All four center ones on the top are poking through now, and it took several tries to get a picture that shows them all. You can click on it to get a closer view... just don't look too closely at his nose.
1 comment:
Have you ever played Rail Baron? That's one of our favorites, but it doesn't hit the table very often either.
Fun to see Spencer pics. Someday maybe he and Samuel will meet and tear the place up (whatever place that happens to be) :-)
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