This video was taken a few days before Spencer's birthday. Good job catching this, honey!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Catching up - Huntington Library
Well, we finally got around to getting all of the pictures off of the camera and organized in their proper folders, so it's time to catch up on what we missed posting during the first quarter of 2009. In January we had the chance to go to The Huntington Library. The library, with some rare books and manuscripts on display (such as a Gutenberg Bible) is only part of what you can see there. There are also art galleries and botanical gardens, with several themed gardens. Spencer's favorite was the children's garden, which had a number of cool things. Here are a few pictures:
Touching the water in the sonic pool.

Laughing at the fountain.

Looking out the window of the plant house.

The first Thursday of the month they let people in for free (but you have to have a ticket). LynMarie and Spencer get to go back this week. I have to go work on site with a client.
Touching the water in the sonic pool.
Laughing at the fountain.
Looking out the window of the plant house.
The first Thursday of the month they let people in for free (but you have to have a ticket). LynMarie and Spencer get to go back this week. I have to go work on site with a client.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Birthday Party
For some reason in the first birthday post, the pictures of the party didn't upload with the pictures of his actual birthday. So, the following slide show are pictures from Spencer's birthday on Feb. 21st.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
As cousin Ethan would say, Spencer was "stuck" too day. Today Spencer and I walked to the store to get some items for our extreme dessert activity at church tonight. As I pushed Spencer in the stroller and pulled the shopping cart behind me, Spencer began to get a little fussy. I decided I would take him out of his stroller and put him in the cart. Since the seat part of the shopping cart was already full of groceries I decided to go against my mommy intuition and let him sit in the back. I guess I thought that as long as he didn't stand up he would be ok. Well, he contently sat in the back of the cart for the rest of the shopping excursion. After paying for the groceries I went to get Spencer and the groceries loaded up into the stroller. I noticed earlier that Spencer had stuck his feet through the bars of the shopping cart but thought nothing of it until I couldn't get his right foot out. I thought "If it goes in, it should come out." Two of the workers tried to pull the bars apart and slip his foot out but it didn't work. By this time, Spencer was hysterical. The manager came over and they rubbed some baby oil (Thank goodness we were in a grocery store.) around his ankle and his foot popped right out.
Well, not only was this Spencer's first ride in the back of the cart, it was also his last. I also learned my lesson to listen to my mommy intuition.
Have any of you had any similar experiences?
Well, not only was this Spencer's first ride in the back of the cart, it was also his last. I also learned my lesson to listen to my mommy intuition.
Have any of you had any similar experiences?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Houston, we have a toddler!
There are more pictures from the birthday party forthcoming, but I wanted to get some video of Spencer so I took this one this morning. (He doesn't always fall, but we only had time for one take!) As you can see from the face fluids, he's got a runny nose right now, plus some more teeth coming in. He's growing up so fast!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
First Birthday!
On February 18th Spencer turned one. We can't believe how fast time has gone by. This has been a wonderful year. He brings so much joy and happiness into our lives. He truly lights up our lives. We love our little Chip. On his actual birthday we went to Disneyland with auntie Lisa and cousin Lincoln. On Feb. 21st we had a family party at our house. Hope you enjoy the slide show of his birthday and party.
Extreme Dessert
This weekend our ward activity will be extreme desserts. I signed up to make an extreme dessert and was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what I could make. Any suggestions would be great.
Also,I am behind on my posting and am currently working on Spencer's Bday post.
Also,I am behind on my posting and am currently working on Spencer's Bday post.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
During Spencer's one year check up the nurse did a lead test. A few days later I got a call from the Dr. saying that his lead level was 39 and that it shouldn't be over 10. The doctor told us to go to a lab and have a more accurate test done. We did the test and a few days later I called and it luckily it came back a 3. If your child has a high lead test the Drs. report it to the State. I had a health nurse call me and say that if the lead levels don't improve, they would come to the house and test for lead and have a nutritionist come talk to me. She also said that in the previous test there may have been some contamination. She said that the nurse should have washed Spencer's hand with soap and water and shouldn't scoop the blood. Later that day after the nurse found out the results, she called and said that since that test came back low, they wouldn't need to come and that she would call the Dr. office and offer some training in taking lead tests. I'm glad the results of the second lead test came back much better and that our little boy is "unleaded" or less leaded. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
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