Saturday, March 21, 2009


As cousin Ethan would say, Spencer was "stuck" too day. Today Spencer and I walked to the store to get some items for our extreme dessert activity at church tonight. As I pushed Spencer in the stroller and pulled the shopping cart behind me, Spencer began to get a little fussy. I decided I would take him out of his stroller and put him in the cart. Since the seat part of the shopping cart was already full of groceries I decided to go against my mommy intuition and let him sit in the back. I guess I thought that as long as he didn't stand up he would be ok. Well, he contently sat in the back of the cart for the rest of the shopping excursion. After paying for the groceries I went to get Spencer and the groceries loaded up into the stroller. I noticed earlier that Spencer had stuck his feet through the bars of the shopping cart but thought nothing of it until I couldn't get his right foot out. I thought "If it goes in, it should come out." Two of the workers tried to pull the bars apart and slip his foot out but it didn't work. By this time, Spencer was hysterical. The manager came over and they rubbed some baby oil (Thank goodness we were in a grocery store.) around his ankle and his foot popped right out.

Well, not only was this Spencer's first ride in the back of the cart, it was also his last. I also learned my lesson to listen to my mommy intuition.

Have any of you had any similar experiences?


The Justice Family said...

Last week Luke was sitting in the front of the cart and he stuck his feet back between the bars. It took a little bit for me to get him unstuck. I was a little nervous. He thought it was funny. I guess to see the fear in my eyes. So, even if they are where they are "suppose to be" it can happen. I just feel bad for Spencer. Luckily he won't remember. Oh the fun things we get to put in there baby books! On a side note I have gotten both crocheted outfits off of ebay.


Thanks for the little shout-out to Ethan. "Stuck" is still one of his favorite words and he always uses it correctly!
I can't believe Spencer got that stuck, though! I definitely would've been a little panicked. I'm glad that he was ok, though. :)