Today while I was cooking dinner I was singing the song, I Hope They Call me on a Mission". As I was singing, Spencer said, "I want to go on a mission". That made me so happy to hear my little boy say. I can't believe he's not even one and he already wants to get married in the temple, of course he's recently had the example of Auntie Alysha and Uncle Blake, and go on a mission.
It's kind of ironic, cause the other day I was thinking about our next adoption and how things are slow and the possiblility that he may be our only child. Then I got to thinking about sending him on a mission and how much I would miss him and wondering if it would be more difficult to send your only child on a mission as opposed to sending one of many children on a mission. Oh well, random thoughts.
When we first brought Spencer home, I remember seeing his diaper bag, that the foster mom had packed up for him, sitting on our couch. I don't know why, but seeing it all packed up made me think about him growing up and us sending him on a mission and I started to feel sad that he was going to grow up and leave us. But I guess that's what life is about. Raising your kids to be good people and then sending them out into the world. More random thoughts.
For those of you who aren't familiar with our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, young men are encouraged to go on a two year mission at age 19. Young women go at age 21 for 1 1/2 years. When a young man or woman decides to go on a mission it is a joyful occasion for the family. Both Todd and I went on missions before we were married and have been blessed by the experience. We also hope to go on a mission as a couple when all our children are grown.
Our church also builds temples where a man and a woman can go to be married not only for life but for eternity. So again, when a couple decides to get married in the temple it also brings great joy and happiness to the families.