Thursday, February 4, 2010

To bring the Camera or Not to Bring the Camera

Lately, I have had a few experiences where I wish I had my camera with me. One was a few weeks ago at a local mall where we exercise on windy or rainy days. As we pulled up to the mall, there was a huge black hawk helicopter on a trailer in the mall parking lot. Spencer and I went with our friends for a close up look. Luckily my friend had a cell phone and took some pictures.

Yesterday, as we were getting ready to go to Disneyland I decided I didn't need to take the camera every time we went. Well, it turned out to be a great day for pictures. Such a great picture day, that I am seriously considering paying the outrageous $12.95 for the pictures the kind staff at Disneyland took of Spencer with Goofy and Mickey.

When we entered Main St. We saw Goofy and Spencer got excited so we went over to see him. Goofy took the leash to the backpack Spencer was wearing and started to walk Spencer around. He then gave Spencer the leash and I took this as him saying, "You're free".

We also saw Mickey in his house at Toon Town. Spencer went up to him and gave him a kiss.

It was so fun to see Spencer’s excitement as we drove up to Disneyland.


Heidi Davies said...

I say always bring the camera. In fact, I've been carrying it with me in my purse most places we go. You just never know what you're going to be able to get a picture of.


I've gotten in the habit of just always taking the camera too - I hate to miss those moments!!