He seems to have slowed down his weight gain for now. We tried to weigh him using our regular bathroom scale and he's still about the same as last month. We'll get an official weigh-in next month at the doctor's office. LynMarie wanted to get a picture of him in this sailor outfit before he grows out of it, though.
     He's now started eating fruits -- he's had applesauce, bananas, and prunes, but seems to like pears the best so far. Also, his first tooth just poked through the gums a couple of days ago. It's hard to see, so no picture of it yet, but we can feel it and hear the clicking when he's biting on things.
     He hasn't officially crawled yet, although he took about half of a "step", or whatever the equivalent is for crawling. He can sure cover quite a bit of ground when he wants to, by rolling and scooting. The other day during family scripture study he managed to move about ten feet across the family room, got over to the basket that holds his toys, tipped it on its side, and pulled out the toy he wanted.
     I'll post a couple of pictures of Spencer modeling a possible Halloween costume to finish off here, and then a video clip that LynMarie took so you can see him in action in his bouncer.
1 comment:
Love the chicken outfit. Luke is going to be Donald Duck. He is growing up to fast.
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