Spencer seemed to enjoy himself this weekend. He had fun playing with the dogs, especially Indy. Here are some pictures:
     Spencer also played Power Grid with us -- he was on Mama's team.
     We played the Italy map. Below are a couple of pictures of the board at the end. Coal was in high demand, with none left in the market by the end of the game. In the last round, two good power plants got bid up, with Muffin and Cassie paying 135 each for them. I was last in and picked up a "5 wind" plant for just 44. That left me with enough money to build to 17 cities and end the game a round earlier than they were expecting. Final scores: Todd - 15, Cassie - 13, Muffin/Spencer - 12.
Ok. How many of you have actually played Power Grid and knew what Todd was talking about with that explanation? =) Love ya honey.
What? Of course everyone's played Power Grid... It's only the #3 rated game of all time on BoardGameGeek.
You two crack me up!! Sounds like you had a fun weekend, though. We sure miss everyone and can't wait to come down - less than 2 months!! We've been working on Southworth family names with Ethan. He's got 'Lysha' down and Nana. He calls my dad Grampa, so that should be easy to adjust to Papa. Now we just have to work on everyone else! Seriously, though, I am looking forward to playing some board games. ;)
I agree with LynMarie... haven't played Power Grid... don't know what it's about. We're a Bakugan family.
OK... a link to Power Grid (with a rating of 8.25) on BGG for Eurogame-challenged readers. Also, to be fair, the link to the Bakugan Battle Brawlers page (rating 5.53).
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