Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sometimes Politicians do the Right Thing!

I just called the govenor's office and he already vetoed the following bill. Good job Arnold!


AB 2567 has passed the California Assembly and the Senate and is awaiting Governor Schwarzenegger's signature or veto. This bill will set aside May 22nd as a special day to celebrate the life of homosexual politician Harvey Milk in the public schools. Harvey Milk will be honored in the same manner as our Founding Fathers and Martin Luther King, although the only thing he is actually known for is being proud to be a homosexual! If you haven't heard about this bill it is because the liberal media is downplaying this bill so that it will pass.

Though this is set as a California issue, it will soon effect everyone.

You know the old saying, 'as goes California, so goes the nation'!


Legislature Passes Bill for 'Gay Day' Celebrations in California Public Schools
By Peter J. Smith
August 8, 2008, SACRAMENTO (Life - California public schools soon will be planning 'gay day' celebrations every May 22 unless Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoes the legislation. Thursday the California Assembly approved AB 2567, which designates May 22 as 'Harvey Milk Day.' The 43 to 26 vote occurred on party lines with Democrats for, Republicans against. Earlier this week, AB 2567 passed the California State Senate on another party line vote 22-13 - Democrats for, Republicans against. The bill will require all public schools to 'conduct suitable commemorative exercises' in commemoration of the anti-religious, homosexualist agenda of the late San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk. According to a Senate analysis of the bill, 'This bill requires the Governor to proclaim May 22 as Harvey Milk Day…The designation of a day of significance triggers statutory encouragement for public schools to observe and conduct commemorative exercises suitable to the day.' 'This bad bill will teach impressionable schoolchildren the anti-religious, homosexual-bisexual -transsexual agenda of Harvey Milk,' warned Randy Thomasson, President of Campaign for Children and Families.

'If signed into law, AB 2567 will mean an official day commemorating homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality in California government schools…This will harm children as young as kindergarten. '
For the love of God, parents and their children, we implore Governor Schwarzenegger to veto AB 2567'Thomasson said.

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