Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A House Full of Kids

Today turned out to be busier than I had planned. I had planned on having the boy I tutor come after school from about 1:30-2:30 or 3 and then the Achievement Day girls come from 3:30-4:30. Well, I ended up at one part of the day having 5 kids in the house at once, Spencer (19 mo.) a 26 month old, kindergartner, 2nd grader, and a fourth grader (lucklily for my sanity they are all good kids).

This morning the mother of one of the Achievement Day girls asked if her daughter could come early and I said she could. Then I get a call from a lady in our ward asking if I could watch her 26 month old nephew and I said I could. Then later, she called and said she wouldn't be back on time and asked me to pick up her niece from kindergarten and I said I could. It was fun and Spencer LOVED it. Again, luckily they are all good kids.

Oh yeah, in the midst of all the craziness of today, while I was trying to fit in a quick shower, Spencer got a hold of my glassess and broke the ear part off. So now I have a black piece of duct tape (I used to call it duck tape before I met Todd) holding my glassess together until I get new ones. Oh well. I was planning on getting new ones any way, but decided to wait and save up a little more money first.

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