Saturday, December 1, 2007

Birthday Girls

Since Josie's birthday is December 3rd and mine is December 4th, we celebrated our birthdays together while in Nebraska. I bought Josie the Little Miss books and gave them to her when we first arrived in Nebraska. A few days later some of the girls were out shopping and they found these little Miss shirts. Josie and Lacy have mathcing pink Little Miss Sunshine shirts and my mom bought this green Little Miss Sunshine shirt for Josie to give to me. Cute. I love it!

1 comment:

The Justice Family said...

Cute birthday girls! I actually have been thinking a lot about both of you and how you have birthdays so close. Josie made a comment to Julie that I thought was so cute. She said the best birthday present would be if I had my Luke in December. She is so cute. She says the cutest things. Happy Birthday on the 4th. You are getting old! I am glad I am at least 9 months behind you! Go do something fun!