BINGO! No car. I went out this morning to go to work and this is what I saw. Todd was the last to drive it(our only car) and so I thought maybe he parked it on the street. I looked up and down the street and still no car. I ran back inside to see where he parked it and he said that it should be in the driveway. Well, after calling the cops to see if for some reason it had been towed (as that is what happened last time our car went missing when we lived in our apartment) we came to the conclusion that it must have been stolen. Todd looked on State Farm's website and our car, a 1995 Honda Civic is the second most stolen car in California. It's the number one most stolen car in the United States. I just wish they would have chosen another night to steal the car as I was in charge of the toy drive at our church and yes, I had some of the toys in the trunk to be delivered the next day. At least they didn't get all of the toys. Oh, well. Since our car has 240,ooo miles and with the prospect of adoption, we had been thinking of possibly getting a new car in the near future, after we had saved a little more money. I guess we might have to buy one a little sooner than expected, but life still goes on. I would just like to thank my wonderful sister Lisa for getting up early in the morning and driving twenty miles or so to come pick me up for work and letting me use her car, Blue Bunny.
Crazy! You will have to let us know when you get a new one. I hope you didn't have anything valueable in it, other than the toys. Blue Bunny, that is Lisa's cars name? I thought her car was white. Her and Julie always have fun names for there cars. What is Julie's named? I just know Jackie O was her Saturn.
I think the toys were the most valuable things in there. I had my favorite bookmark that I got from Lynnie in there, but other than that, I'm trying not to think about it for fear that I might remember something of value. But in the past I've left my purse in the trunk thinking it was safe. On a more positive side, I did have a box of church books I was going to donate to the ward library and a French Book of Mormon, so maybe some good will come out of this. Lisa's new car is white but her other one (Jason drives it) is blue bunny. I think Dillon named her white car white bunny. Jeff and Kristy have the same white car as Lisa and I guess Dillon thought they should name theirs white bunny, and so I think he also suggested that Lisa name her white car White Bunny. I'm not sure what Julie's new car is. I don't usually name my cars, but I think I might start. We have a red rental car and I call it Red Rooster. Since Todd's email address is green elephant, if our next car is greeen, I want to name it green elephant. Any other color with elephant doesn't seem to fit. Oh, well.
oh my gosh, that is crazy! Needless to say I won't mention it to your brother, he doesn't need another reason to be down on california! So I guess the new car will be a birthday present of sorts for you! What kind of car are you considering? Make sure you check out good old reynolds to see what they have!
I'm not sure what kind of car we'll get. First we're going to wait a few weeks to see if they find it and what kind of shape it's in. Maybe we will check out Reynold's. You're like the 3rd or 4th person that recommended Reynold's, so I guess they're pretty reliable.
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