Friday, August 29, 2008

Baby food. Yum! =)

Last Saturday we started Spencer on rice cereal. He seemed to enjoy it. Mom also loves rice cereal. She's advancing faster than Spencer. She has already had the squash and sweet potatos. The sweet potatos rock and the squash is ok. We'll probably spend next week with the oatmeal and barley cereals with Spencer and then advance him to the veggies. Mom has not yet tried these cereals, but is looking forward to it =).



So how goes the adventures in baby food?? I remember Ethan liked the veggies quite well. We waited several weeks to at least a month before we introduced any fruits because we wanted him to first get a liking for the veggies. Rice cereal was a staple in our house - especially with diced bananas or applesauce. He LOVED it!!
So have you noticed that your bib supply depletes a lot quicker these days?? Also, have you tried 'Mum-Mums'? They're rice cracker/wafers that dissolve quickly - Ethan loved them and they were a good way for him to learn to feed himself because I didn't have to worry about him choking.
Anyway... have fun with this new stage! Give Spencer some squishes from us. :)

TJ said...

just a suggestion about baby food. it is SO EASY to make it yourself. you steam it, put it in a blender, add some of the water used to steam it, and blend blend blend. when it is to the consistency you want it at, you put it into ice cube trays and freeze it. then get some big freezer bags, label them with what it is and the date, and voila, baby food for a whole lot less than buying it at the store. and you know that it will actually taste like broccoli or carrots. without any salt added. a book i have is calld Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron. Great book. you can also try earths best baby food, which isn't too hard to find in so cal.