Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hey. If the stores can start putting out Christmas decorations at Halloween then I can do a Halloween post at Christmas Any way, we had a great Halloween. Spencer enjoyed eating the candy out of his bucket. When I was little we always went trick- or- treating around my Grandma's neighborhood,so that's where we took Spencer. My mom passed out candy at Grandma's house while my dad went with us. Spencer wanted to walk right with Grandpa the whole night. Enjoy the pictures and we would love comments.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Bye Bye Uncle Sean
Just a little background before I tell the story. Spencer has an Uncle Sean who lives out of state. Spencer has only met Uncle Sean a few times and probably doesn't remember meeting him because he was less than a year old. However, we have a little photo book with Uncle Sean and his family in it and we talk about them.
Alright. On to the story. Last week we were at the park and Spencer met a little boy named Sean. When we were ready to leave, I told Spencer to say good bye to Sean. Spencer then responded with, "Bye, bye, Uncle Sean". I thought it was so cute. I guess he doesn't quite get the concept that multiple people can have the same name.
Alright. On to the story. Last week we were at the park and Spencer met a little boy named Sean. When we were ready to leave, I told Spencer to say good bye to Sean. Spencer then responded with, "Bye, bye, Uncle Sean". I thought it was so cute. I guess he doesn't quite get the concept that multiple people can have the same name.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Suckers and Santa
This morning I took Spencer to the Drs. to get his second dose of the flu shot. One of the first things he said when he got out of the car was, "sucker". I guess he remembered that he usually gets a sucker when he gets his shots. During the visit he kept asking for his sucker and I kept telling him, "after the shot". Usually, the Dr. will come in and examen him and then the nurse will come in with the suckers and shot. As the Dr. was leaving, Spencer said, "sucker". I guess he wanted to make sure the Dr. didn't forget about his sucker. He finally got his shots and 2 suckers. A yellow and a pink one. Later, we were at the mall and I let him sit on Santa's lap. He did not like it at all. He did however, have no problem taking the book they gave him. So different than last year.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Singin' in the... Family Room
     Lately Spencer has been singing along to parts of songs. This song is one of his favorites. It's hard to get it on camera, though. Whenever Spencer sees the camera he wants to look at the pictures on it rather than be in one. (That's what the fuss is near the end of the song.)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I Want Cell Phone
Well, Todd and I recently decided to get a prepaid cell phone for emergency purposes. It was only 10 bucks at Big Lots. Anyway, After playing with Nana's cell phone this weekend Spencer saw ours on the table and said, "I want cell phone". I was quite suprised that he actually said cell phone instead of just phone. He must have heard us referring to Nana's phone as a cell phone and thought the one on the table was like hers (Not that hers looks like a $10.00 one from Big Lots). Anyway, I was quite impressed. I never thought I would buy my kid a cell phone, but I'm actually thinking that Santa might be getting him one for Christmas. Of course it won't have any minutes on it, but he seems to prefer the real phones to the fake ones.
Conference Weekend
Scripture Study
I've been horrible at posting things here, but I had a quick story to share from a couple of nights ago....
It seems that Spencer is getting something out of family scripture study. We usually read after dinner, before he starts getting ready for bed. Spencer was squirming around on the couch as we were reading and suddenly said, "came to pass"! Can you tell we're studying the Book of Mormon?
It seems that Spencer is getting something out of family scripture study. We usually read after dinner, before he starts getting ready for bed. Spencer was squirming around on the couch as we were reading and suddenly said, "came to pass"! Can you tell we're studying the Book of Mormon?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Well, before Spencer I thought it would be fun to have twins or triplets. I guess my aunt LeeAnna made having twins along with 8 other kids look easy. Don't get me wrong, Spencer is a very good kid, nevertheless, it takes a lot of time and energy being a mother and taking care of the house. So, since becomming a mother, I've realized having twins might be a lot more work than I realized.
Also, watching a 26 month old and Spencer who is 19mo. today also opened my eyes to the challenges of having twins. I saw this as I was at the park trying to watch two kids who wanted to do different things at the park. Also, after leaving a store trying to open the car door while holding on to the 26 mo. old with one hand and Spencer with the other. It took me a few tries of letting go of Spencer's hand and trying to open the door while he tried to run away. Finally, a friend came over and held Spencer's hand so I could open the car door. Also, the organization of having two diaper bags itself was mind boggling. Anyway, hats off to mothers of multiples or who have their children really close together.
p.s. Sorry for so many pictureless posts. I've just been too lazy. It's so much easier to type than it is to post pictures.
Another cute little story. As we were driving in the car this morning, the little boy I was babysitting put his hand on Spencer's carseat and oh boy, Spencer did not like that. Also, at the park I brought the 26 mo. old over to where Spencer was playing,thinking it would be easier to watch them if they were in the same place, and Spencer did not like that either. Where do they learn so young to be so territorial?
Also, watching a 26 month old and Spencer who is 19mo. today also opened my eyes to the challenges of having twins. I saw this as I was at the park trying to watch two kids who wanted to do different things at the park. Also, after leaving a store trying to open the car door while holding on to the 26 mo. old with one hand and Spencer with the other. It took me a few tries of letting go of Spencer's hand and trying to open the door while he tried to run away. Finally, a friend came over and held Spencer's hand so I could open the car door. Also, the organization of having two diaper bags itself was mind boggling. Anyway, hats off to mothers of multiples or who have their children really close together.
p.s. Sorry for so many pictureless posts. I've just been too lazy. It's so much easier to type than it is to post pictures.
Another cute little story. As we were driving in the car this morning, the little boy I was babysitting put his hand on Spencer's carseat and oh boy, Spencer did not like that. Also, at the park I brought the 26 mo. old over to where Spencer was playing,thinking it would be easier to watch them if they were in the same place, and Spencer did not like that either. Where do they learn so young to be so territorial?
A House Full of Kids
Today turned out to be busier than I had planned. I had planned on having the boy I tutor come after school from about 1:30-2:30 or 3 and then the Achievement Day girls come from 3:30-4:30. Well, I ended up at one part of the day having 5 kids in the house at once, Spencer (19 mo.) a 26 month old, kindergartner, 2nd grader, and a fourth grader (lucklily for my sanity they are all good kids).
This morning the mother of one of the Achievement Day girls asked if her daughter could come early and I said she could. Then I get a call from a lady in our ward asking if I could watch her 26 month old nephew and I said I could. Then later, she called and said she wouldn't be back on time and asked me to pick up her niece from kindergarten and I said I could. It was fun and Spencer LOVED it. Again, luckily they are all good kids.
Oh yeah, in the midst of all the craziness of today, while I was trying to fit in a quick shower, Spencer got a hold of my glassess and broke the ear part off. So now I have a black piece of duct tape (I used to call it duck tape before I met Todd) holding my glassess together until I get new ones. Oh well. I was planning on getting new ones any way, but decided to wait and save up a little more money first.
This morning the mother of one of the Achievement Day girls asked if her daughter could come early and I said she could. Then I get a call from a lady in our ward asking if I could watch her 26 month old nephew and I said I could. Then later, she called and said she wouldn't be back on time and asked me to pick up her niece from kindergarten and I said I could. It was fun and Spencer LOVED it. Again, luckily they are all good kids.
Oh yeah, in the midst of all the craziness of today, while I was trying to fit in a quick shower, Spencer got a hold of my glassess and broke the ear part off. So now I have a black piece of duct tape (I used to call it duck tape before I met Todd) holding my glassess together until I get new ones. Oh well. I was planning on getting new ones any way, but decided to wait and save up a little more money first.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
For some time now, Spencer has called letters "B". I was amazed today when he was making some scribble marks on a pice of paper and said, "B". I think that might mean he understands the concept that he can write letters.
Todd and I were also talking the other day at how cool it is that he understands some multiple meaning words. For example, he knows that on and off can refer to turning a light or music on and off and it can also refer to putting something on and taking something off.
He never ceases to amaze me. It's so fun to hang out with him every day and watch him grow and progress.
Todd and I were also talking the other day at how cool it is that he understands some multiple meaning words. For example, he knows that on and off can refer to turning a light or music on and off and it can also refer to putting something on and taking something off.
He never ceases to amaze me. It's so fun to hang out with him every day and watch him grow and progress.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Just a quick funny story. Today Spencer and I were visiting my dad. I asked him if I could have some of his ice cream and he said I could. As I was dishing up the ice cream, I knew that I wasn't going to enjoy a nice dish to myself and that, as usual, I would have to share it with Spencer. A little bummed about this, I said to my dad,"The worst part about having a kid is that you have to share your ice cream with them.". I didn't realize the irony of my words until my dad responded with, "You're right.". I guess sharing your ice cream with your kids is just part of the job.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Who Needs Toys
The Aunt Cassie Gene
A few weeks ago I was having a hard time getting Spencer to eat veggies, even some of the ones he usually likes. I was stressing out a little, worried he wouldn't get the needed nutrients. Well, the other day I put some frozen peas into a pot to boil and Spencer indicated that he wanted some of the frozen peas. So I gave him some and he ate them. I gave him more and he ate them. I was plesantly suprised.
I called this post the Aunt Cassie Gene because Todd said his little sister Cassie use to eat frozen peas when she was little. I'll have to get a picture of the two of them eating frozen peas. Cassie also use to eat uncooked spaghetti noodles. I wonder if Spencer will also like those. No wonder aunt Cassie is sooo skinny. With a diet of frozen peas and raw noodles, who wouldn't be.
I called this post the Aunt Cassie Gene because Todd said his little sister Cassie use to eat frozen peas when she was little. I'll have to get a picture of the two of them eating frozen peas. Cassie also use to eat uncooked spaghetti noodles. I wonder if Spencer will also like those. No wonder aunt Cassie is sooo skinny. With a diet of frozen peas and raw noodles, who wouldn't be.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Happy Pioneer Day
I love the part when he says, "They sacrificed pleasures to keep commitments that are eternal". May we all be a little bit less selfish and focus more on the happiness and comfort of others. Happy Pioneer Day!
I love the part when he says, "They sacrificed pleasures to keep commitments that are eternal". May we all be a little bit less selfish and focus more on the happiness and comfort of others. Happy Pioneer Day!
I'm so glad when daddy comes home...
Usually we are lucky to have Daddy working from home. Thursday was the rare ocassion that he had to go into a client's office. During the day Spencer would say, "Dada, Dada". When we were outside and saw a soda can, Spencer pointed to it and said, "Dada, Dada". When I was putting away a cup of dice Spencer pointed to it and said, "Dada, Dada". This boy loves his Dada and we were both glad when Daddy came home.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My Little Water Baby=)
Spencer absolutely LOVES water. I'm not sure which he loves more, dirt or water. I thouroughly enjoy watching him enjoy the water.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Lawn, Lawn
The other day Spencer and I were taking a walk around the neighborhood and I can't remember why but we were talking about the grass and I was wondering if I should teach him lawn or grass. I decided lawn. A few days later, as we pulled up in the driveway, a neighbor a few houses down was mowing his lawn. As I was getting Spencer out of the carseat he heard the lawnmower, and before he even saw it he started saying, "lawn, lawn". I was blown away. I don't remember specifically teaching him lawnmower we may have seen a few on walks but it's not something we see everyday.
He sure is a smart little guy. Today he also said backpack.
He sure is a smart little guy. Today he also said backpack.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
In May, we went up to Oak Glen in Yucaipa for the Laura Ingalls Wilder display. It was very nice. The following are pictures from that outing.
I really like this quote.

We went on a ride in this horse drawn wagon through the apple orchards.

Some items on display

I really liked this sign and how they had specific days they did things. I wish I were that organized.

Todd was very nice and let me look at the displays inside while he watched Spencer outside. While they were outside waiting for me, Spencer blew bubbles in a mud puddle.
We had a wonderful time and look forward to returning in the fall to pick apples.
I really like this quote.
We went on a ride in this horse drawn wagon through the apple orchards.
Some items on display
I really liked this sign and how they had specific days they did things. I wish I were that organized.
Todd was very nice and let me look at the displays inside while he watched Spencer outside. While they were outside waiting for me, Spencer blew bubbles in a mud puddle.
We had a wonderful time and look forward to returning in the fall to pick apples.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
"No, No, No, Ta, Ta, Ta"
First some background info. It has been my experience that when toddlers arrive at the age of 2 or so, they are always saying, "no". This use to annoy me, so I determined that my kids would never learn the word "no". Instead I would say "dangerous" or "don't do that", or "play over here". After a while I gave up and started using the word "no". I also use "ta ta" (That's what my mom used while we were growing up).
Well, this afternoon Spencer was playing with a decoration in the livingroom (It wasn't breakable so I didn't mind that he was playing with it). I went over and sat on the couch by where he was playing and pulled the decoration towards me and looked at it. Spencer then said, "No, no, no, ta ta ta." I was suprised put also pleased that he knew what I meant when I told him "no and ta, ta". A little while later, he got something off the couch and handed it to me and then pulled it away and said, "No, no, no, ta, ta, ta".
Okay, so now what do you do when your 15 month old starts to discipline you like this. Even though he won't understand, do I go ahead and tell him, "You don't say that to mommy?" or do I ignore it. If any of you have had similar experiences (If you have kids, I'm sure you have)let me know how you have handled situations where they tell you know.
P.S I'll try to get some pictures up soon. I tried to down load them off the camera to the shared pictures and I couldn't get them from the upload area to the shared pictures, so, I'm waiting for Todd to find the time to help me with this so that I can upload the pictures to the blog.
Well, this afternoon Spencer was playing with a decoration in the livingroom (It wasn't breakable so I didn't mind that he was playing with it). I went over and sat on the couch by where he was playing and pulled the decoration towards me and looked at it. Spencer then said, "No, no, no, ta ta ta." I was suprised put also pleased that he knew what I meant when I told him "no and ta, ta". A little while later, he got something off the couch and handed it to me and then pulled it away and said, "No, no, no, ta, ta, ta".
Okay, so now what do you do when your 15 month old starts to discipline you like this. Even though he won't understand, do I go ahead and tell him, "You don't say that to mommy?" or do I ignore it. If any of you have had similar experiences (If you have kids, I'm sure you have)let me know how you have handled situations where they tell you know.
P.S I'll try to get some pictures up soon. I tried to down load them off the camera to the shared pictures and I couldn't get them from the upload area to the shared pictures, so, I'm waiting for Todd to find the time to help me with this so that I can upload the pictures to the blog.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Two in one day!
Just breakfast...
Well, we don't post here as often as I'd like to, and sometimes it's just because I think we just kind of do the same stuff everyday. But just because we see it every day doesn't mean that everyone else gets to. Anyway, just a highlight from breakfast this morning. Spencer is trying to learn how to use a spoon to eat his Cream of Wheat.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Doesn't Hurt to Ask.
Last night a funny thing happened. After going to the store I stoped by the Tastee Freeze drive through. I ordered a Banana Fosters. The guy told me they were out of bananas. This happened the last time I asked for it. I told him I had just happen to have some bananas in the car and asked him if I gave him would he make me a Banana Fosters (I had never tasted one and really wanted to). He then asked me if he could buy the bananas from me. I told him he could (sorry Spencer mama sold your bananas). Not only did he buy the bananas from me, but he didn't charge me for the Banana Fosters.
By the way, I went out and bought Spencer some more bananas today.
By the way, I went out and bought Spencer some more bananas today.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
In Praise of Stay at Home Moms
This is the title of a new book by Dr. Laura that I am reading. It is really good. I recommend everyone read it even if you're not a stay at home mom. It really has great ideas on making your family a priority. I am even having Todd read it. On Tue. Todd is taking me to see her show In Praise of Mom. She's doing it live in Irvine Ca., and it will be broadcast to theaters all over the US. We won't see her live but that's ok, I've already been to one of her live shows. Is anyone else reading or planning on reading the book or going to the show? Let me know what you think.
I really admire Dr. Laura's views on the importance of family. In her view, a stay at home mom is someone who is home when her kids are home, even if she has to work evenings when her kids are asleep. When Dr. Laura's son was little, she was there with him during the day and worked nights when her son was asleep. When he was old enough to go to school, she worked when he was at school.
During the early years of her marriage, they only had one car, so her and her son would go places by bike.
From her, I get the message to work your schedule around your family and not your family around your schedule.
I really admire Dr. Laura's views on the importance of family. In her view, a stay at home mom is someone who is home when her kids are home, even if she has to work evenings when her kids are asleep. When Dr. Laura's son was little, she was there with him during the day and worked nights when her son was asleep. When he was old enough to go to school, she worked when he was at school.
During the early years of her marriage, they only had one car, so her and her son would go places by bike.
From her, I get the message to work your schedule around your family and not your family around your schedule.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
More Spencer Cuteness
Yesterday Spencer and I went running/walking. During the run/walk, I let him get out and walk around at a little park. He saw a piece of rotting fruit and started walking towards it saying "appm" (apple). After I kicked it a few times to keep him away from it, he started calling it a ball. I'm not quite sure what Spencer defines as a ball or an apple. I guess if it's round and you eat it it's an apple and if it's round and you kick it it's a ball. We were at the store the other day and I bought a water melon and he started calling that a ball.
Spencer is quite the talker and is building his vocabulary. He likes lights and will point them out, so the other day I was teaching him the concept of lights on and lights off. For a while when we walked into a room where the lights were off, he would say, "light on", so I would turn the light on for him. Other words he says are:ca (cat), ba (bath), mil (milk), wa wa (water), mama, dada, mynana (banana), cracker, kixi (Kix Cereal-That's what I call it and he's picked it up), pancake, dog (It's so cute, even if he doesn't see the dog, but hears it bark, he will say dog), meemee (Meema, that's what we call my grandma). When asked what the following animals say, he says their sound: cat, dog, horse, cow.
He also loves water, dirt, and books. Sometimes he'll have a book or pamphlet and he'll sit there and hold it up and talk to himself as if he's reading the book.
It has been so fun to watch him grow over the past year. I look foward to continuing watching him grow.
Spencer is quite the talker and is building his vocabulary. He likes lights and will point them out, so the other day I was teaching him the concept of lights on and lights off. For a while when we walked into a room where the lights were off, he would say, "light on", so I would turn the light on for him. Other words he says are:ca (cat), ba (bath), mil (milk), wa wa (water), mama, dada, mynana (banana), cracker, kixi (Kix Cereal-That's what I call it and he's picked it up), pancake, dog (It's so cute, even if he doesn't see the dog, but hears it bark, he will say dog), meemee (Meema, that's what we call my grandma). When asked what the following animals say, he says their sound: cat, dog, horse, cow.
He also loves water, dirt, and books. Sometimes he'll have a book or pamphlet and he'll sit there and hold it up and talk to himself as if he's reading the book.
It has been so fun to watch him grow over the past year. I look foward to continuing watching him grow.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Catching up - First Haircut
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Spencer calls apples appms. Today when I went to visit my parents, my dad, Spencer and I were out in the front yard. Spencer was playing with a ball when he noticed some small green apricots that had fallen off the tree. He picked one up and said, "appm". I thought it was cute. I was suprised he didn't call it a ball. Usually that's what he calls things that are round. He also found a brown nut that fell off a tree and called it an appm. I love this little guy and am thankful I get to spend my days with him and be there to see all the cute things he does.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Catching up - Zerberts!
This video was taken a few days before Spencer's birthday. Good job catching this, honey!
Catching up - Huntington Library
Well, we finally got around to getting all of the pictures off of the camera and organized in their proper folders, so it's time to catch up on what we missed posting during the first quarter of 2009. In January we had the chance to go to The Huntington Library. The library, with some rare books and manuscripts on display (such as a Gutenberg Bible) is only part of what you can see there. There are also art galleries and botanical gardens, with several themed gardens. Spencer's favorite was the children's garden, which had a number of cool things. Here are a few pictures:
Touching the water in the sonic pool.

Laughing at the fountain.

Looking out the window of the plant house.

The first Thursday of the month they let people in for free (but you have to have a ticket). LynMarie and Spencer get to go back this week. I have to go work on site with a client.
Touching the water in the sonic pool.
Laughing at the fountain.
Looking out the window of the plant house.
The first Thursday of the month they let people in for free (but you have to have a ticket). LynMarie and Spencer get to go back this week. I have to go work on site with a client.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Birthday Party
For some reason in the first birthday post, the pictures of the party didn't upload with the pictures of his actual birthday. So, the following slide show are pictures from Spencer's birthday on Feb. 21st.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
As cousin Ethan would say, Spencer was "stuck" too day. Today Spencer and I walked to the store to get some items for our extreme dessert activity at church tonight. As I pushed Spencer in the stroller and pulled the shopping cart behind me, Spencer began to get a little fussy. I decided I would take him out of his stroller and put him in the cart. Since the seat part of the shopping cart was already full of groceries I decided to go against my mommy intuition and let him sit in the back. I guess I thought that as long as he didn't stand up he would be ok. Well, he contently sat in the back of the cart for the rest of the shopping excursion. After paying for the groceries I went to get Spencer and the groceries loaded up into the stroller. I noticed earlier that Spencer had stuck his feet through the bars of the shopping cart but thought nothing of it until I couldn't get his right foot out. I thought "If it goes in, it should come out." Two of the workers tried to pull the bars apart and slip his foot out but it didn't work. By this time, Spencer was hysterical. The manager came over and they rubbed some baby oil (Thank goodness we were in a grocery store.) around his ankle and his foot popped right out.
Well, not only was this Spencer's first ride in the back of the cart, it was also his last. I also learned my lesson to listen to my mommy intuition.
Have any of you had any similar experiences?
Well, not only was this Spencer's first ride in the back of the cart, it was also his last. I also learned my lesson to listen to my mommy intuition.
Have any of you had any similar experiences?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Houston, we have a toddler!
There are more pictures from the birthday party forthcoming, but I wanted to get some video of Spencer so I took this one this morning. (He doesn't always fall, but we only had time for one take!) As you can see from the face fluids, he's got a runny nose right now, plus some more teeth coming in. He's growing up so fast!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
First Birthday!
On February 18th Spencer turned one. We can't believe how fast time has gone by. This has been a wonderful year. He brings so much joy and happiness into our lives. He truly lights up our lives. We love our little Chip. On his actual birthday we went to Disneyland with auntie Lisa and cousin Lincoln. On Feb. 21st we had a family party at our house. Hope you enjoy the slide show of his birthday and party.
Extreme Dessert
This weekend our ward activity will be extreme desserts. I signed up to make an extreme dessert and was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what I could make. Any suggestions would be great.
Also,I am behind on my posting and am currently working on Spencer's Bday post.
Also,I am behind on my posting and am currently working on Spencer's Bday post.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
During Spencer's one year check up the nurse did a lead test. A few days later I got a call from the Dr. saying that his lead level was 39 and that it shouldn't be over 10. The doctor told us to go to a lab and have a more accurate test done. We did the test and a few days later I called and it luckily it came back a 3. If your child has a high lead test the Drs. report it to the State. I had a health nurse call me and say that if the lead levels don't improve, they would come to the house and test for lead and have a nutritionist come talk to me. She also said that in the previous test there may have been some contamination. She said that the nurse should have washed Spencer's hand with soap and water and shouldn't scoop the blood. Later that day after the nurse found out the results, she called and said that since that test came back low, they wouldn't need to come and that she would call the Dr. office and offer some training in taking lead tests. I'm glad the results of the second lead test came back much better and that our little boy is "unleaded" or less leaded. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Spencer's 365th Day

Wow! I can't belive Spencer is already a year. This past year has been so fun. Todd and I have loved watching him grow and develop. It's hard to believe that when we first brought him home all he could do was cry, eat, sleep, poop and pee, but now he is eating table food, walking, he has great fine motor skills, he can do pat-a-cake, blow kisses, give zerberts and more.
We love him sooo much and he has brought soo much joy to our family. We love you Spencer.
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